Last updated on January 1st 2025
You have a 24-hour window to return your order after you receive it.
The following conditions should be met to be eligible for return:
- You received an item that is defective, damaged on transit, or the wrong item.
- Your order must be in the same condition that you received it.
- You must include the original packaging and any accessories that come with your purchase.
- You must share an unedited package-opening video with us at
In order to initiate a return, please contact us at and provide us with as much information as possible.
Once your return is accepted, we’ll send you instructions about the return pickup & shipping details.
A coupon (Store Credit) is given in place of a refund. We will charge you 100 rupees for the cost of reverse shipping in order to get the item back from you.
We will issue store credit to the customer once we have deducted Rs.100 from the product cost.
If you have any questions or need assistance with initiating a return, please feel free to contact us at We’ll be more than happy to help you out!
Cancellation policy
We do not accept order cancellations.
We make sure that all of our orders are properly Quality Checked before dispatch. In the event that you receive an item that is defective, damaged on transit, or the wrong item, please reach out to us within 24 hours.